Thursday, October 30, 2014

How did I get here? My journey with essential oils....

How did I get here? My journey with essential oils....

I have enjoyed making homemade products over the last few years. I have made several things, some worked out great, some not so much. But overall I have enjoyed every minute of it. I love the ability to control the quality of what we put on our body and in the environment. So about a year ago I was starting to really look at the essential oils I was using. The label read: not for internal use, or not for topical use. That always concerned me because I was in the mind set that if you can't eat it you should not be putting it on your body. This seemed completely against what I was trying to do with making my homemade products. So I started my research journey.

In my research, I found vast differences in opinions on proper use of essential oils. Much of it depended on where you were from. For example in the U.S, they tend to be more conservative compared to France in the use of oils. Aromatherapists from France will layer several oils neat (no dilution) right on the skin and have no problem with ingestion. Where as aromatherapists trained in the US tend to dilute more and do not recommend the ingestion of essential oils.

At first I was aligning with the view from the US but as I continued to dive in I found what amazing results people were having and the tremendous amount of research that has been done in France. I decided maybe there was something to this. I then began to research the therapeutic quality of several essential oil brands and after much consideration I decided to give Young Living Essential Oils a try. 

Once I received my Premium Started Kit I was amazed at the quality of the oils. At first impression, the smell was amazing compared to others I have tried. I instantly fell in love with the diffuser (as did the rest of the family). Then I decided to try using the oils as alternatives for medicine.

I was amazed at how well they worked and how quickly I saw results. I used them for bee stings, bug bites, burns, cuts, headaches, anxiety and more....I started using it on my whole family to treat them when I typically would have reached for pharmaceuticals. I was so excited at what I was seeing I decided I had to share!

Recently I have been hosting online classes and a couple in-home classes to share my love and journey. I truly feel these are a gift from God.

So what is your experience? Have you tried it yet?

James 5:14 - Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

If  you would like to purchase a Premium Starter Kit follow this link. I send all my new members a Welcome Kit with awesome goodies!

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