Saturday, June 6, 2015

Honey Flow!

White clover is blooming, the white wax is being drawn quickly on the combs. Nectar is flow is increasing rapidly all around. The honey flow is on. Bees are super happy!

What is honey flow? Wikipedia says "Honey flow is a term used by beekeepers indicating that one or more major nectar sources are in bloom and the weather is favorable for bees to fly and collect the nectar in abundance."

It is a very busy time for bees. My colony is going strong and with the early spring it is really ahead of the game for our climate.

It took the bees five weeks to fill the first deep hive body. It has only been two weeks since I added the second deep hive body and it is already full! I would love to add a third deep hive body but it is going to have to wait until next year. So today I added my queen excluder and two honey supers... that means we will most likely have honey this fall!!!

Wait... honey in the fall? I am not even close to prepared for this! I was not expecting this until next year. Now I have lots of research and planning to do.

Sorry, not a ton of pictures today as I was super busy at the hive moving things around. (I am a busy bee you know.) I did include some pictures below from last weeks inspection. Click on the pictures to enlarge them. See if you can find pollen, larva, eggs, capped cells, drones and workers.


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